The leaders
of our nation need to try their best to fix the economy, instead of tearing it
down… and the cost of living, where one income would do for a family… so the
mother, if she wished, could stay home and take care of her family. I know that
my husband and I would rather pay extra income tax towards giving a mother a
reward for marriage and for taking care of the children in their own home,
rather than seeing day care centers spring up all over our nation and funded by
our government, which we help pay for anyway!
As it now
stands if a couple has children out of wedlock, they gain more monetarily by
remaining single and either living in the same house without marriage or go
their separate ways without benefit of a mother and father to their little one.
What a sad commentary it is when evil and weakness is rewarded in our country
and on the other hand and for the same consideration, marriage and making a
home for a little child is penalized!
If every
house hold were taxed for this reason, what an improvement in morals and child
care it would have for the United States! Granted, it takes more than perks to
have good morals, but our country has been penalizing morals and marriage and
giving perks for immorality for a long time.
For instance
people can draw more money for living together than for being married in some
cases. I don’t begrudge them the money, except for the fact that the little
child doesn’t have a good home and also I would like for them to be encouraged
to live right and have good spiritual health along with the other needful
things in life.
We had
rather give our taxes for a mother to be able to be with her children rather
than working…than for a grant of thousands of dollars, to study the digestive
system of a buzzard and the many other foolish things they give grants to.
then…there are the cases in families where being satisfied with a smaller loaf
of bread would help. -Edna L. Ingram
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